Does Changing Furnace Filter Improve Air Quality? - An Expert's Perspective

Regularly changing your furnace filter is essential for maintaining home comfort and indoor air quality, as well as for the performance, energy efficiency, and longevity of your air conditioning system. But what happens if you don't change the filter? If you let the filter get too full, you'll see a decline in your home's indoor air quality. Clean filters can improve the air in your home by removing pollutants from the air. A filter has a certain ability to trap particles, so when it's full, those particles will most likely remain in the house. If you have several pets that shed hair, make sure to change the filter more often, as pet hair can fill it up quickly.

The main purpose of any air filter is to filter the air. Heating and air conditioning filters are especially good at capturing and trapping air pollutants, such as allergens, pet dander, dust, pollution, and even mold spores. If an air filter gets dirty and clogged, not only will it become completely ineffective at trapping harmful air particles, but it could also worsen the overall air quality in your home. Why? Pre-existing contaminants will have nowhere to go and could eventually be detached from the filter. Furnaces last 15 to 20 years on average.

Here's how to help them get through adolescence. Changing the furnace air filter regularly will prevent dust, dirt, mold spores, soot, bacteria, and allergens from accumulating in the air inside the house. In addition to learning how to install a furnace filter, you can also extend the life of your furnace by opting for an annual inspection. Changing the furnace filter is a very simple way to keep indoor air clean and avoid costly repairs to the heating system. Disposable fiberglass panel filters should be changed every 1 to 3 months, while higher quality pleated filters last 3 to 6 months.

Dirty filters can also cause what is called a short cycle, which causes the furnace to shut down prematurely. If you want to reduce chills from December to April, make sure the filters are clean and that the furnace has been kept in good shape. If you change your furnace air filter regularly, you can save between 5 and 15% on utility costs. So why is it so important to keep your furnace filters up-to-date? Here are six reasons why you should be vigilant when changing air filters:

  • It improves indoor air quality
  • It prevents dust and dirt from accumulating
  • It helps capture allergens and pet dander
  • It prevents mold spores from spreading
  • It reduces energy costs
  • It prevents short cycling of the furnace
Too many homeowners take their forced air heating and cooling systems for granted, and the best way to do that is to simply forget to change the furnace filter. Experts agree that the filter in a furnace or air conditioning unit should be changed every one to three months, depending on the season. This occurs when a dirty air filter is sucked back into the system, compromising air flow and causing a dangerous fire at the furnace level.

Changing your heating system's furnace filters can do a lot of things for the home and for the heating system itself. If you're particularly concerned about the air quality in your home, make sure you choose the right air filter for your heating system.