Does Changing Your 16x25x1 Furnace Filter Save You Money?

Replacing a dirty air filter with a clean one can be a great way to save money on energy costs in your home or business. According to the Department of Energy, this simple task can reduce energy consumption by up to 15%. This could mean a 7.5% savings each month on your energy bill, as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems are responsible for about half of it. To make sure you remember to change your furnace filter regularly, here are some strategies.

In summer and winter, it's important to switch out your filter more often than in fall and spring. High-end filters for domestic use or high-quality commercial filters usually have a MERV rating of 8 to 13. Additionally, the Department of Energy found that dust-filled filters had a minimal increase in energy consumption compared to clean filters. When furnace filters are forgotten or not changed, several problems can arise in Cincinnati homes. The higher the MERV rating, the more dust the filter will capture. If you have air quality issues in your home, your filter won't last as long as it would in a home with good indoor air quality.

The study also found that the difference in energy consumption between clean 3M filters and dirty 3M filters was negligible. For this study, three types of filters were selected to represent the typical low, medium and high efficiency filters used in residential homes. High-efficiency filters had a negligible impact on HVAC energy compared to low-efficiency fiberglass filters. When shopping for a new filter, you'll find plenty of options: many different types of filters that influence frequency changes. Higher-efficiency filters (MERV 11-1) generally had a small impact on parameters related to cooling energy consumption in residential and light commercial HVAC systems, compared to lower-efficiency filters (MERV).You can easily check the size of your old filter when it's in place; the size is usually shown on the filter's cardboard frame.

The main purpose of an oven filter is to trap airborne contaminants, not for reasons of air quality, but to keep them out of the heating and cooling system. It's important to understand the true purpose of this component of the system, how often the oven filters must be changed, and the problems that arise when skipping this task. By changing your 16x25x1 furnace filter regularly, you can save money on energy costs while also avoiding any potential problems that may arise from neglecting this task. Make sure you check your filter size before purchasing a new one and remember to switch it out more often during summer and winter months.